Changing to Microsoft Edge from Google Chrome
Making the change from Chrome to Edge allows you to sign into your Outlook email without having to verify your identity every time.
Open Chrome
Make sure you are signed in to your account at the top right and sync is turned on.
Open Edge
Make sure you are signed in to your account at the top right.
Click 3 dots at the top right, then click Favorites.
Click the 3 dots that appear at the top of that menu and then click Import Favorites, set Import from to Google Chrome and make sure your profile is the one chosen.
Check the boxes for Favorites or Bookmarks, Saved Passwords, Extensions and any others you would like to send over.
Click Import
Right click on the Edge icon(blue/green wave) on the taskbar at the bottom of your screen and click Pin to taskbar. (You may unpin Google Chrome the same way if you wish)
If your favorites/bookmark bar is not showing up, click the 3 dots at the top right, then click Favorites, and click the 3 dots that appear at the top of that menu. Then hover over Show favorites bar and select Always.