Remind Hub
Remind Hub is the district's preferred app for parent/teacher communication. It can also be used for Teacher/student communication, especially in the case of clubs, athletics, and other extracurriculars.
To start using remind, check out this Teacher Onboarding Guide.
- MASD teachers can sign into their Remind account through the Clever portal.
- You can also sign into Remind by going directly to or via the smartphone app.
- Be sure to use your district account ending in to sign in. Additional email addresses can be added later, and if you already have an account under a different email address, the two accounts can be merged into one.
- The sign in with Google option also works with your district Google account if you prefer to sign in that way.
- Because we roster Remind through Clever, MASD teachers will have all their classes auto-generated for them with the students and parents already added. The first time you sign into your Remind account each year, you will want to claim the classes that have been created for you.
- If there are classes that you no longer need, you can quickly archive them. They can also be restored later if you change your mind.
- Be sure to configure your notification preferences and preferred language for your account.
- Here are some welcome templates you can use to introduce your parents and/or students to Remind.
- Here is a Parent Onboarding Guide, providing more details for parents.
For even more resources, check out the Remind Learning Center.
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