New Hire
Steps and helpful articles for new employees
Office 365 Security Info
Office 365 accounts provided to staff require additional security information to be registered by the user. This security info can be used to unlock your account, reset your password, and take advantage of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). In all of these cases, your security info is used to pro...
Phone Quick Reference Guide
A quick reference guide for how to operate the district phones. Phone Quick Guide.docx 177.21 KB
Multifactor Authentication Guide
Click the link below to view the PDF.MASD MFA Guide.pdf
SMART Board 101 - Live on August 3rd, 2022
This is an introduction to the new SMART Boards installed in K-8 classrooms during the summer of 2022. The session focuses on the basics of the board itself and the IQ operating system.AgendaPresentation File
SMART Board 102 - Live on August 23rd, 2022
This is an expansion on the 101 presentation, touching again on the various ways to use the boards and offering an introduction to Lumio.AgendaPresentation FileAdditional Webinars
Linking Gmail and Outlook
Please see the attached document for step by step instructions to link your email accounts. This means that you will only have to check your Outlook account because all emails sent to your Gmail will be forwarded to your Outlook.Linking Gmail and Outlook.pdf
Lightspeed Classroom Management
Lightspeed Classroom Management allows teachers to view the screens of student chrome books, share content directly to student chrome books, and manage student web access during class. Teachers can access Lightspeed Classroom via this link on the district website, located under the Staff Links ta...
Changing MFA Methods
Go to add a method, click Add Method and choose the option and follow the steps it provides.To change your default method, click Change(in blue).To delete a method, click Delete(in blue) next to the method you wish to delete.If you previously had t...
myWhiteboard Tutorial Videos
myWhiteboard is a ViewSonic application already installed on HS computers. This app pairs well with the touch projectors installed in HS classrooms. myWhiteboard adds SMART board-like functionality to the projectors.The link below offers multiple training videos relating to myWhiteboard https://m...
Standard Google Classroom Structure
The attached slide deck was used for PD at Lyter and can be used as a reference when designing classrooms. Google Classroom PD.pptx 2.26 MB
Google Shared Drives and the Google Drive App
Google Shared Drives and the Google Drive App.docx
Teacher Induction (Technology) Slide Deck
Click HERE to view the Google slide deck, geared towards new staff who are learning about district technology resources.
Lumio Training 101 - Live on August 10th, 2023
Lumio is a digital learning tool for transforming lessons into active, collaborative learning experiences that engage students on their own devices. The video below is a recording of the in-person Lumio training that was held at McCall Middle School on 8/10/2023.
Lightspeed AccessScan Extension
The Lightspeed AccessScan Chrome extension is pushed out to all teachers. The extension can be used to determine if your students can access the materials you are sharing with them, or if a request needs to be sent to the tech department to allow a resource through the content filter. THIS VIDEO ...
Remind Hub - Train the Trainer
Recorded TrainingSlide DeckParticipant Guide
Remind Hub
Remind Hub is the district's preferred app for parent/teacher communication. It can also be used for Teacher/student communication, especially in the case of clubs, athletics, and other extracurriculars.To start using remind, check out this Teacher Onboarding Guide. MASD teachers can sign into...
Tyler Absence & Substitute User Guides
Tyler Absence & Substitute is used by MASD for all teacher, paraprofessional, and secretary absence requests and substitute management. See the guides below for more information. Absence_Substitute_Quick_Start_Guide_Employees.pdfAbsence_Substitute_Employee_User_Guide_Version_3.6.pdfTyler Absence ...
Raptor Alert - Staff Training (Recorded on 2/10/2025)
Recording Link Summary: Raptor Alert Mobile App: Settings How to ensure all Push Notifications are enabled, including banners, sounds, and critical alerts (very important) How to ensure location services are enabled and how to turn on biometrics for easy login (optional) Initiating a...