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Secure Email

Emails containing confidential information can now be sent securely using Email Encryption.View the document below for more information: MASD Secure Email.docx 84.98 KB

Junk Mail and Quarantine

Our Email includes two filters to protect you from potentially dangerous emails: quarantine and junk mail. The quarantine filter isolates emails suspected of containing a virus and holds them in a quarantine folder on the mail server. The junk mail filter isolates suspected junk mail and holds th...

Office 365 Security Info

Office 365 accounts provided to staff require additional security information to be registered by the user. This security info can be used to unlock your account, reset your password, and take advantage of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). In all of these cases, your security info is used to pro...

Changing to Microsoft Edge from Google Chrome

Making the change from Chrome to Edge allows you to sign into your Outlook email without having to verify your identity every time. Open ChromeMake sure you are signed in to your account at the top right and sync is turned on. Open EdgeMake sure you are signed in to your @montoursville.k...

Linking Gmail and Outlook

Please see the attached document for step by step instructions to link your email accounts. This means that you will only have to check your Outlook account because all emails sent to your Gmail will be forwarded to your Outlook.Linking Gmail and Outlook.pdf

Email Parents and Students from eSchoolData SIS (CSIU)

Email Parents and Students:   From Teacher Connect Roster Screen, click the Report button on the tool bar   Select the Student Contact Report   Click the email envelope to email Parents, Students or Both Parents and Students.   Individual Email   To email an individual student, click the s...